So, if I know that God has this amazing plan for me and I know that God has blessed me with the knowledge and characteristics that He has given me then why do I constantly "dog" myself and spit out nothing but hurtful words to myself? Satan knows our weaknesses and he knows exactly how to use those weaknesses to slowly dive into a state of destruction.
As I was praying this morning and meditating on what God wanted to tell me, He reminded me of His instructions to "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) So how can I love others when I don't even truly love myself? So God challenged me this morning...He challenged me to simply say kind words to myself, uplifting and encouraging words. Words that won't harm or hurt me. So I'm taking on the challenge! And I will be meditating on this word that God reminded me this afternoon...
"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way." - Song of Solomon 4:7
So I will be writing that verse along with Matthew 22:39 on several index cards and post them randomly in my home, car, and workplace to constantly remind me that I am beautiful and I am created by my Savior who loves every thing about me...flaws and all :)
To conclude this random thought of mine, I remembered a song by Francesca Battistelli that pretty much sums up this post :)
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